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Identifier: RG 03/C3

Rutgers University Board of Trustees. Special Committee on Reorganization Records


  • 1947-1956

Scope and Content Note

The Special Committee on the Reorganization of the Board of Trustees was established to explore methods of reorganization, including the controversial subjects of Rutgers becoming the state university of New Jersey, the question of the optimum number of Trustees on the Board, and the effects of governance with the establishment of the Board of Governors to oversee the activities of the University. The Committee, commissioned February 18, 1955, remained... a functioning unit of the Board of Trustees until May 1956, when the proposal for reorganization was signed into law by Governor Robert Meyner. Lansing P. Shield was appointed to chair of the new committee. John Bosshart was elected to be the secretary. Other members of the special committee were Dr. Robert A. Cooke, Mrs. Charles Brower, Mrs. Edward Katzenbach, Mrs. John Moxon, Mr. Nichols, Mr. Shanks, Mr. Frederic W. Smith, Mr. H.A. Smith, and Mr. Tracy S. Voorhees.

The records gerneated by the Minutes and reports from the Special Committee for the Reorganization of the Board of Trustees date from June 1947 to July 1956. Reports regarding the composition of the Board and tables comparing data with other universities nationally are included. The final report of the committee, as well as various drafts of the proposal, mark-up copies of drafts from committee members, the final draft and the proposed bill presented to the legislature, all document the extent of the activities of the special committee.

Superior Court civil action suits filed in February 1956 for instructions and declaratory judgment were urged forward by counsel before the bill was introduced into the Senate to lend greater weight to the proposal.

One of the most recent documents of the collection is the list of Governors for the newly-formed Board of Governors. This document indicates which Governors were selected by the Governor as well as those selected by the Board of Trustees with one member pending approval of the legislature.

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0.8 Cubic Feet (2 manuscript boxes)

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Commissioned on February 18, 1955, the Special Committee on the Reorganization of the Board of Trustees was established to explore various methods of university reorganization. Its deliberations led to the official establishment of Rutgers as the State University of New Jersey in 1956, as well as the establishment of the Board of Governors. Functioning until May 1956, when Governor Robert Meyner signed the reorganization proposal into law, the Committee was chaired by Lansing P. Shield. The collection contains written reports, confidential poll results and personal correspondence of the Board members' opinions and views. Dissenting views have been retained in full. Also included are Board meeting minutes and reports from November 1954 to July 1956. The final report of the committee, as well as various drafts of the proposal, mark-up copies of drafts from committee members, the final draft and the proposed bill presented to the legislature, all document the extent of the activites of the special committee.

Administrative History

Since 1766, Rutgers University had been governed by the Board of Trustees, a committee of 30 members, funded through tuition, gifts, and state aid. In 1955, the University noted a large increase in college-age students expected over the next ten years. Dependent on the State Legislature to allocate funds as they saw fit, the Board of Trustees sought a more solid means of ensuring continuing state aid in support of their curriculum.

The Special Committee on the Reorganization of the Board of Trustees was established to explore methods of reorganization, including the controversial subjects of Rutgers becoming the state university of New Jersey, the question of the optimum number of Trustees on the Board, and the effects of governance with the establishment of the Board of Governors to oversee the activities of the University. The Committee, commissioned February 18, 1955, remained a functioning unit of the Board of Trustees until May 1956, when the proposal for reorganization was signed into law by Governor Robert Meyner. Lansing P. Shield was appointed to chair of the new committee. John Bosshart was elected to be the secretary. Other members of the special committee were Dr. Robert A. Cooke, Mrs. Charles Brower, Mrs. Edward Katzenbach, Mrs. John Moxon, Mr. Nichols, Mr. Shanks, Mr. Frederic W. Smith, Mr. H.A. Smith, and Mr. Tracy S. Voorhees.

To begin, the Committee obtained facts regarding the current administration of the university, including enrollment and facilities use statistics as well as estimates for the coming decade, financial accounts and property values, college age population estimates and state laws. They also accumulated similar statistics from comparable colleges and universities in the Northeast, choosing to discount statistics and organization of universities in the western United States on the grounds that their political situation was too different to apply to New Jersey state politics.

The committee solicited personal opinion, both through a confidential poll of Board members and through a request of the chairman of the Special Committee for the Reorganization of the Board of Trustees for written reports of personal views. Dissenting views have been retained in full. All views were recorded in excerpts which are part of the records, however the full text of each opinion is not. In addition, personal correspondence from opposing members of the Committee more fully explains their reasoning.

On November 11, 1955, a plan of reorganization was submitted to the Board of Trustees at a special meeting. Rutgers University faculty approved the plan 300 to 1. Alumni groups and other campus organizations also passed resolutions approving the plan. A bill was introduced into the Senate making Rutgers the official state university of New Jersey and establishing a Board of Governors, selected partly by the governor and partly by the Board of Trustees, to oversee the administration of the new institution.

Arrangement Note

The records of the Rutgers University Board of Trustrees Committee on Reorganization are arranged into two series:

  1. I. Correspondence, minutes, reports, and legal documents, 1947-1956
  2. II. Reference material and publicity, 1950-1956
Inventory to the Records of the Rutgers University Board of Trustees. Special Committee on Reorganization, 1947-1956 RG 03/C3
Edited Full Draft
Deborah A. Person
April 1991
Language of description note
Finding aid is written in English.

Revision Statements

  • May 20, 2004: bot_reorganization converted from EAD 1.0 to 2002 by v1to02.xsl (sy2004-5-20).

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