Box 48
Contains 5 Results:
Contains material from John E. Bebout of the Urban Studies Center, material regarding Rutgers Urban Fellows, Committee on Human Aspects of Urban Renewal. Also contains reports:"The Research Program of the Urban Studies Center" by Robert Gutman, "The Education Program of the Urban Studies Center" by David Popenoe, "University-Based and University-Related Urban Studies Organizations: A Review" by Gutman and Popenoe, correspondence with and reports to the Ford Foundation.
Contains proposal for Demonstration-Research Programs in Newark, N.J., Proposal for an Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Urban Studies, Application to the Ford Foundation for a Supplemental Grant for the Operation of the Urban Studies Center—Draft.
Contains 1962-1963 Annual Report of Urban Studies Center, Proposal for Demonstration-Research Programs in Newark, NJ, The Middlesex County Social Planning Project, The Research Program of the Urban Studies Center.
Contains Reports: Unemployment: Benefit not Burden, Suggestions to Communities for Participation in the War on Poverty letter of Schlatter's response to report, correspondence to and from John E. Bebout, proposal for technical consultant program, status report, Center director.
Contains correspondence, Ford Foundation information and proposals, Report: The University in Urban Society; Teaching and Research—Their Influence on Social Change, discussion of future of center in light of John E. Bebout's pending retirement.