Box 14
Contains 71 Results:
Contains letter of inquiry, resume, listings of possible course offerings, and letter of regret.
Contains resume, requests for confidential evaluations (thank you notices for), letters of recommendation, meeting arrangement details and a copy of his work on curriculum planning, "The Systems Approach".
Includes letter of inquiry, resume, meeting arrangement details and a copies of his works, "A Linguistic Definition of 'Literature'" and "The Study of Languages: A Point of View".
Includes letter of inquiry, resume, meeting arrangement details and a copy of his work, "The Influence of Linguistics in School Grammar".
Contains letters of recommendation, resume and a letter stating that there are currently no available positions. Also contains copies of his works, "The English Verb System", "The Language Question in Modern Greece", "George C. Pappageotes, 1926-1963", "Changes in the Lexicon of New York City Greek" and "A Study of American Bilingualism".
Includes resume, letter of inquiry, letter of regret, and handwritten notes on the candidate.
Contains letter of inquiry, resume, meeting arrangement details, requests for confidential evaluations (thank you notices for), and letters of recommendation.
Includes travel expense reports and itinerary, handwritten notes on the candidate, a position offer, correspondence concerning various questions about Livingston College, a letter of regret, letters of recommendation, and a copy of the work, "Anthropology, Ethnology and Linguistics at Livingston". Also contains pamphlets for Rutgers University group insurance plans and studies in semiotics.
Contains letters of recommendation and thank you notices for, a dossier request form, meeting arrangement details, and resume.