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Box 2

Contains 24 Results:

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 1

Scope and Contents:

From oversized, untitled presentation notebook, page 1. YWCA Academy of Women Achievers drafts and copies, some with sizing, color and spacing notes. For YWCA, see also: “Commercial Calligraphy, Folders 2, 3, 6 and 10.”

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 2

Scope and Contents:

From oversized, untitled presentation notebook, page 2. Draft of an illuminated wedding commemoration document, with notes and samples for color, sizing, spacing and decorative elements, and a photograph of the final document.

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 3

Scope and Contents:

From oversized, untitled presentation notebook, page 3. Copy of family tree, with note on ultimate coloring.

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 4

Scope and Contents:

From oversized, untitled presentation notebook, pages 3-11, 13, 15 and 24-29. Includes certificates and statements of recognition, restaurant menu, and PEN American Center Citations and prizes. Some are originals. Some are copies or drafts. Some have color, materials, spacing and other notes on the front and back of the sheets.

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 5

Scope and Contents: From oversized, untitled presentation notebook, pages 12, 14 and 24-26. Copies of calligraphy, including “I Have Thought that a Man,” “In Every Landscape the Point of Astonishment,” “Our House Upstate,” “Reflections on Becoming,,” “It is Not the Critic,” and “Wicked Witch’s Kitchen,” with notes indicating size, color, customer and date of the piece. Additional calligraphy: a sample of round calligraphy (Stuff of the Moon from Box 5, Folder 34, ...
 File — Box: 2, Folder: 6

Scope and Contents:

From oversized, untitled presentation notebook, page 13. Recognition statements from Fourdrinier Kraft Board Institute with presentation folder. For other work for the Fourdrinier Kraft Board, see, “Commercial Calligraphy, Folders 8 and 15.”

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 7

Scope and Contents:

From oversized, untitled presentation notebook, page 16. “Sir Winston Churchill” timeline. Draft of document, with notes on color, placement and spacing, and pencil drafts of specific elements of the piece.

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 8

Scope and Contents:

Signed Frances M. Manola, 11 Nassau Place, East Orange, NJ. Verso notes “Comprehensive,” “4 Yr. Adv. Design.” Undated. Library has three examples from portfolio labeled: “Work by FM, Misc. small sketches & art work. Small watercolors done at 345 W. 55, NYC. Sketches & Other work under G.I. Bill & later works (…?) Sch. A+E Art (School of Advertising and Editorial Art).”

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 9

Scope and Contents:

Signed Frances Manola and Frances M. Manola. From folder labeled “Basic Design Course – Manola.” Library has four examples. Two identified as Basic Design, drawing on board, 15 ¼ x 11 7/8 inches. One, drawn on paper, dated Nov. 11, 1949, 13 ¾ x 11 inches. Another dated 12/6/49 is 13 ¾ x 10 3/8 inches.

 File — Box: 2, Folder: 10

Scope and Contents:

Most signed either Manola, Frances Manola or Frances M. Manola, dated, and inscribed “Basic Design.” From folder labeled “Basic Design Course – Manola.” Library has 7 examples. Four are approximately 13 ¾ x 10 7/8 inches. One is 10 ½ x 11 ¾ inches, one is 12 ¾ x 10 inches, and one is 14 7/8 x 11 ½ inches. Several cut pieces are loose and unidentified.