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  • Repository: Rutgers University Archives X
  • Language: Undetermined X

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World War, 1939-1945 9
Universities and Colleges--New Jersey 8
Higher education and state--New Jersey 6
New Brunswick (N.J.) 5
Collective bargaining 4
∨ more
Academic freedom--New Jersey 3
Army Specialized Training Program (U.S.) 3
Collective labor agreements 3
College buildings--New Jersey. 3
College presidents--New Jersey. 3
College students--New Jersey 3
Deans (Education)--New Jersey 3
Education, Higher--Aims and objectives 3
Education, Higher--New Jersey--New Brunswick 3
Educational leadership--New Jersey 3
Photographs 3
Rutgers University--History 3
Students--Social life and customs--New Jersey--19th Century 3
Students--social life and customs--19th century 3
Universities and Colleges--History--New Jersey. 3
Universities and Colleges--New Jersey--History 3
Universities and colleges--Alumni and Alumnae--New Jersey 3
Universities and colleges--New Jersey. 3
World War, 1939-1945. 3
Academic freedom--New Jersey--History--20th Century 2
Academic freedom--United States 2
Academic library directors 2
Agricultural education--New Jersey 2
Agriculture--Study and teaching 2
Agriculture--Study and teaching. 2
Anti-Communist movements--United States 2
Arbitration, Industrial 2
Articles 2
Berlin (Germany) 2
Bound Brook (N.J.) 2
China 2
Civil rights--New Jersey--New Brunswick 2
Collective bargaining--College employees--New Jersey. 2
Collective bargaining--College teachers--New Jersey. 2
Collective labor agreements--College teachers--New Jersey. 2
College buildings--New Jersey 2
College facilities--planning. 2
College teachers' unions--New Jersey. 2
College teachers--New Jersey--Dismissal--History--20th Century 2
Colleges and universities--New Jersey 2
Committees 2
Communism--New Jersey 2
Debates and debating--New Jersey--New Brunswick. 2
Education, Higher--New Jersey 2
Education, Higher—New Jersey—New Brunswick 2
Educational administration 2
Employee rights 2
Employees 2
Fascism--New Jersey--History--20th Century 2
Fort Benning (Ga.) 2
Higher education and state--New Jersey. 2
History--Study and Teaching 2
Homophobia 2
Industrial relations 2
Labor disputes 2
Labor unions 2
Labor unions and communism 2
Mediation and conciliation, Industrial 2
Military socialization 2
New Brunswick (N.J.)--History 2
Newark (N.J.) 2
Oran (Algeria) 2
Paris (France) 2
Politics and education--New Jersey--History--20th Century 2
Race Relations 2
Racism 2
Research Grants 2
Sexism 2
State universities and colleges--New Jersey. 2
Student Movements 2
Taiwan 2
Universities and Colleges--Societies--New Jersey. 2
Universities and colleges--History. 2
Universities and colleges--New Jersey--Administration. 2
Universities and colleges--New Jersey--Faculty. 2
Universities and colleges--Societies, etc. 2
Universities and colleges--planning 2
Women college administrators--New Jersey 2
Women college students--New Jersey 2
Women college teachers--New Jersey 2
Women's Colleges--New Jersey 2
Women--Education--New Jersey 2
World War, 1939-1945--New Jersey. 2
World War, 1939-1945--Veterans--New Jersey. 2
World War, 1939-1945—Campaigns--Algeria 2
Young Men--New Jersey--New Brunswick. 2
Estreno Collection of contemporary Spanish plays. 1
Estreno studies in contemporary Spanish theater. 1
AFL-CIO. Committee on Political Education 1
Aachen (Germany) 1
Academic Eligibility 1
Academic Freedom 1
Academic Writing 1
Academic freedom--New Jersey. 1
Academic freedom--United States. 1
∧ less
American Cancer Society 1
Identifier: R-MC 153


The Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center Archives project seeks to preserve the knowledge gained from planning and construction of the Rutgers University system of transportation and ultimately provide a resource for future scholars, practitioners, and decision makers to understand the lessonsthat were learned by the first generation of transportation professionals. This collection contains reports, surveys, notes, memoranda, and policies from 1954-2010.

Identifier: R-MC 023

Abstract: The Alan Silver Papers, 1934-1987 comprise the private collection of Rutgers alumnus Alan Silver, relating to his involvement in the Bergel/Hauptmann affair of the 1930's. Silver, a Rutgers student from 1931 to 1935, was instrumental in the formation of the Special Trustees Committee to Investigate the Charges of Lienhard Bergel. This case, involving the alleged firing of a New Jersey College for Women professor for anti-Nazi sympathies, raised doubts about the political alignment of some...
Identifier: R-MC 010

Abstract: Albert Huntington Chester, chemist, mineralogist, and mining engineer, was on the faculties of Hamilton and Rutgers College. His papers include correspondence to Chester from scientists and friends relating to mineralogy, geology, Chester's expedition to iron mines in Minnesota, and the publication of his books on mineralogy. The papers also include reports, field notes, and site diaries of Chester's geological expeditions, as well as lectures and notes on chemistry, geology, and other...
Identifier: R-MC 077


The collections consists of memoirs, Army Specialized Training Program course materials and Intelligence and Education materials concerning Alexander Gordeuk's service in the US Army during World War II.

Identifier: R-MC 090


Material generated and collected by the staff and members of the RCAAUP, the bargaining agent of faculty, teaching assistants, and graduate assistants at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. Material pertains to bargaining and negotiations with the administration of Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.

Identifier: R-MC 086

Abstract: Angus Gillespie is an American Studies professor at Rutgers University. He is a folklorist who focuses mainly on myths and legends of the United States. The series in this collection so far contain records related to two of his books: Looking for America on the New Jersey Turnpike (1989) co-authored with Rutgers University professor Michael Rockland, and Twin Towers: The Life of New York City's World Trade Center (1999)....
Identifier: R-MC 083

Abstract: The Ardath W. Burks Papers are those maintained and created by Ardath W. Burks, Rutgers University administrator and Professor of Asian Studies. The papers contain material relating to both Burks's personal and public activities. Personal activities relate to his family and home life. His relationship with Japan, manifested in many ways, dominates his public activities; Burks's education, military service, promotion of positive relationships between Japan and the United States, and his...
Identifier: R-MC 028


The collections consists of 35 letters either written to or by Augustus Bruyn while he was a student at Rutgers College, 1832-1836 as well as latter in his life. Theletters are exhanged between Bruyn, family members and friends.

Identifier: RG 48/H7/01

Abstract: In 1969, the violent uprising in New York City known as the Stonewall Riots gave birth to the Gay Rights Movement. That same year, students at Rutgers University formed the Student Homophile League to fight the widespread discrimination against and harassment of gay and lesbian students on campus. That group, which eventually became the Bisexual, Lesbian, and Gay Alliance at Rutgers University (BiGLARU), continues to represent the interests of its members at Rutgers. The collection includes...
 Record Group
Identifier: RG N2/O2

Abstract: The Records of the Black Organization of Students (BOS), a student organization established on the Rutgers Newark campus, boxes largely relate to the group's demands for administrative and admission changes in 1969, and include documentation surrounding the takeover of Conklin Hall by BOS members. Also included are records regarding University policy and changes, correspondence from University staff, student groups and community members, newspaper clippings and several articles written by...