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Identifier: OH001

James M. Oleske Oral History


  • 1994 July 28


Abstract from 1994:

James M. Oleske, MD, PhD, UMDNJ- New Jersey Medical School, is Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Professor; Director, Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Infectious Diseases; and Medical Director, Children's Hospital AIDS Program (CHAP) in Newark. Dr. Oleske was the first to describe AIDS in children. He discusses his early experiences as a pediatric specialist interested in infectious diseases and immunology. He describes the experiences of medical staff, families, and children with AIDS in New Jersey. Dr. Oleske also describes programs with which he is involved including CHAPS, clinical trials, international training programs, and funding.


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Oral History of Dr. James M. Oleske conducted by Barbara S. Irwin and Robert B. Burnett; Newark, New Jersey, July 28, 1994 For New Jersey AIDS Oral History Program, UMDNJ Libraries, Department of Special Collections, Newark, N. J. Funded by a grant from the New Jersey Historical Commission.

Part of the RBHS Special Collections in the History of Medicine Repository
