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Folder 2

Contains 42 Results:

 Item — Folder: 2

Scope and Contents:

Contains an extract from a letter received from R.L.L's. brother, Walter Livingston, relative to demand of Lynch for his services during the winter we were at Albany, together with discussion of same and request for addressee's opinion. Mentions that room in which he writes is so cold writing is almost impossible.

 Item — Folder: 2

Scope and Contents:

Report on repairs and additions or changes being made in the boats - Chancellor, Richmond, Fire Fly. Postscript requesting needed and promised carpenters.

 Item — Folder: 2

Scope and Contents: Report of number of shares sold and to whom, with comments. Heard that Gibbons has gone to Albany with view of pressing on his Cause with Ogden before Court of Errors, both willing that it be hurried through, that it may be taken this winter to Washington. To our interest to stand off and procrastinate, therefore what can be fairly done to prevent its being hurried on should be attended to. Have heard there is a project on foot to petition our Legislature to repeal...
 Item — Folder: 2

Scope and Contents: Refers to favor of 7th and a carpenter. Discussion of timber to be ordered, from Cornwall for the Chancellor, elsewhere for the Richmond. All shares sold, dividend to be made 15th inst. Comments upon Rhind's personal affairs and work as agent of the Company for the past twenty-five years, with references to the mention of same in an earlier letter. Report on progress of repairs and work on boats. Postscript pertaining to tongues, smoked beef, and Virginia hams, with...
 Item — Folder: 2

Scope and Contents: Report of progress of repairs on boats, with approval of suggested changes in deck of Chancellor received from Messrs. W. Livingston and Lynch. Only steamboat news is that new owners of the United States are publishing virulent pieces in the New Haven papers against the so-called monopoly with a view of exciting the prejudice of the people against it. North River nearly closed since Sunday last; people passed on ice to Hoboken. Postscript includes reminder to make...
 Item — Folder: 2

Scope and Contents: Favor of 17th received. Good bargain made for the hams - $10 pr 100 or 112. Suggest extending wood contract to 3000 cord. Timber ordered for Chancellor's wheels but that for Richmond secured here. Good progress being made on boats. Advice received from New Haven that Capt. Beecher (of the United States) has left New Haven for Albany with long petition soliciting Legislature of New York state to repeal the steamboat laws. Suggest watching proceedings. Dividend of $20...
 Item — Folder: 2

Scope and Contents:

Dividend checks being sent by Mr. Emment. Reference to favor of 22nd. Shall get cartings from Kemble. Send Clark's note and I'11 try to get money for you. Ogden & Gibbons suit has been decided by Court of Errors and young Gibbon has gone on to Washington to bring it forward. Inquire into this business. Keep an eye on Beecher & Bartholomew and send information as to their activities. Weather severely cold, ice nearly across the River.

 Item — Folder: 2

Scope and Contents: Comment on letters received including one of 28th, and upon the extent of attempts made with Legislature indicating that admission of an entering wedge will destroy all of the stock, as plans emanate from enemies. Reaction of Fulton Company to steps taken by I. Townsend, member of North River Company, to join in opposition rather than joining with them in defence of the general question. To arouse the Fulton Company's opposition would be most serious. Every member...
 Item — Folder: 2

Scope and Contents: Refers to favor of 1st inst. Comment on Allaire's impudence; congregation at Albany of Bartholomew and ell the other honest men for purpose of putting down the grant, this memorial is part of a grand scheme aimed at the utter ruin of the concern, emanate from those who have had a razor at your throats. Mr. Graham recommended to Lynch & Rhind that a memorial from each Company in reply to those which had been presented and an affidavit from Lynch & Rhind be...
 Item — Folder: 2

Scope and Contents:

Favor of 1st inst. received, communicated to Lynch, memorial drawn up. Mr. W.L. (Walter Livingston) did not wish to sign it until he knew his brother's opinion, gentlemen at Albany may sign it before it is presented. To repel Allaire's insolent memorial Lynch & Rhind have sent affidavits as securities of the two companies, which will at once put him down.