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Volume 6

Contains 472 Results:

 Item — Volume: 6, Page: 251

Scope and Contents:

Subject: return proof of new edition of Aylwin; advertisement of The Jubilee Greeting at Spithead.

 Item — Volume: 6, Page: 251

Scope and Contents:

Subject: new edition of The Coming of Love.

 Item — Volume: 6, Page: 251

Scope and Contents:

Subject: articles on Silas Marner, Thoreau, and The Professor, and the Poems.

 Item — Volume: 6, Page: 252

Scope and Contents:

Subject: receipt for cheque changed so retains right of reproducing article in any way he (Watts-Dunton) wants.

 Item — Volume: 6, Page: 254

Scope and Contents:

Subject: doesn't agree that "What the Silent Voices Said" has proper place in anthology of "open air" poetry. Crossed out.