Box 1035
Contains 109 Results:
Includes: predator control ; air traffic control ; civil service ; phone service ; tax reform ; judicial system
Includes: budget ; tax reform ; Post Office ; foreign relations ; school busing ; Conrail
Includes: Tocks Island Dam project ; alternative energy ; Clean Air Act ; trucking industry ; predator control ; foreign relations
Includes: El Salvador ; housing ; air traffic control ; draft ; civil service ; crime
Includes: patents ; Law of the Sea Treaty ; budget ; military spending ; antitrust laws ; civil service
Includes: human rights ; cable tv ; foreign relations ; economy ; foreign imports
Includes: JS&A Group, Inc ; arms sale ; NJ gaming laws ; Social Security ; gun control ; economy
Includes: REA ; nuclear weapons ; foreign relations ; documents request
Includes: mass transit fare increase
Includes: wildlife protection ; nuclear energy ; Clean Air Act ; human rights ; energy ; nuclear weapons