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Identifier: MC 1042.1

Edward J. Patten Congressional Papers


  • 1963-1980


Committee correspondence (1969-1970, 1975-1980), subject correspondence (1976-1980), project file, press releases, clippings, photos, and other papers.


37 Cubic Feet (37 record cartons)

Physical Location

Stored offsite: Advance notice required to consult these records.

Language of Materials


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Biographical Sketch

Edward James Patten was elected to serve in the United States House of Representatives in 1962 and served continuously from the 88th through the 96th Congress (1963-80), His district includes Portions of Middlesex and Union Counties, New Jersey.

Patten was born in Perth Amboy, N. J., August 22, 1905. He graduated from the Rutgers University Law School in 1927, He practiced law in Perth Amboy and taught in the public schools of Elizabeth, N.J., 1927-34. He also served as director and counsel of the Woodbridge, N, J, National Bank, 1935-62, A member of the Democratic Party, Patten held the following local and state offices before his election to national office: Mayor of Perth Amboy, 1934-40; county clerk of Middlesex County, 1940-54; and Secretary of State, State of New Jersey, 1954-62.

Inventory to the Edward J. Patten Congressional Papers
Edited Full Draft
Ronald L. Becker
December 1980
Language of description note
Finding aid is written in English.
Special Collections and University Archives, Rutgers University received an operating support grant from the New Jersey Historical Commission, a division of the Department of State.