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Identifier: MC 1408

American Chemical Society - North Jersey Section Records


  • Majority of material found within 1920-2008 ( 1939-2003)


7.6 Cubic Feet (19 manuscript boxes)

Language of Materials


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Arrangement Note

In 1925 the New Jersey Chemical Society, which had been organized in 1918, affiliated with the American Chemical Society as its North Jersey Section. In 1945 the group became incorporated in New Jersey. Further information about the North Jersey Section's early history is available in a 1964 atticle written by Delmer L. Cottle: "History of the Nmth Jersey Section of the American Chemical Society," The Bulletin, New Jersey Academy of Science, 9:2:44-52. In addition, several folders in this collection that incorporate "history" or "historical" in their headings contain documents that provide details about the organization during its later years.

A substantial portion of the North Jersey Section records was arranged into categories before the records were donated. These categories are reflected in this container list. An outline of the categories, and of the document types or subjects intended to be placed in each, is contained in folders included at the front of boxes 4 and 8.

Dates associated with folder headings in the container list are intended to represent inclusive dates. They notmally correspond to the dates of the documents present, but occasionally represent a section year (e.g., 1990 for a report on that year actually issued in 1991). In some instances only, a break in the dates cited has been noted to represent that a gap of several years exists within a folder.

Beginning in 1919 the Notth Jersey Section published a periodical with the title Bulletin. In 1926 the Bulletin was renamed Indicator when it became a publication for both the North Jersey and the New York Sections of the American Chemical Society. A partial run of the Indicator is included in this collection. For a more complete set of this periodical, consult Special Collections and University Archives' Sinclair New Jersey Collection (call number: QDl.138).

Appraisal Information

The records of the American Chemical Society, North Jersey Section, were donated to Special Collections and University Archives, Rutgers University Libraries, beginning in 2004. These records, now almost 13 cubic feet in size, primarily date from after World War II. For several decades-until the early I 990s-this organization also had geographical snbsections. Separate records, 1948-1990, of one of these units, the Lackawanna Subsection, are included in this collection.

Inventory to the American Chemical Society - North Jersey Section Records
Edited Full Draft
Special Collections and University Archives
May 2020
Language of description note
Finding aid is written in English.
Special Collections and University Archives, Rutgers University received an operating support grant from the New Jersey Historical Commission, a division of the Department of State.