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Identifier: NJ017

New Jersey Social and Political Activism Collection


  • 1971-present

Scope and Content Note

The collection is divided into series based on the event including: the Women's March, the March for Science, and March for Our Lives.

The Women’s March on Washington took place on January 21, 2017 and January 20, 2018. The series contains material from the 2017 marches in Washington DC and New York City and material from the 2018 marches. In 2018, items were collected from New Jersey residents. The vast majority of the collection is composed of...
signs, carried by marchers. The signs reflect wide variety of issues: no Pipeline in Standing Rock, the influence of sexism in the 2016 presidential election, climate change, the supreme court, local politics, LGBTQ rights, abortion, etc. The rest of the collection contains various small items donated or collected at the marches. These items include two pussy hats, pocket constitutions, teeshirts, newsletters, stickers, banners, a pamphlet on vegan feminism, two copies of the community newspaper Challenge, voter registration forms, buttons, and one piece of fabric with an image of a goose that has the word “Resist” embroidered on it.

The March for Science took place on April 22, 2017. The series is composed of signs and a brain hat from the 2017 march.

The March for Our Lives took place on March 24, 2018. This series is composed of signs from the march.

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30 Cubic Feet (13 oversized boxes, 2 manuscript boxes, 3 flat storage boxes)

Language of Materials


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The New Jersey Social and Political Activism Collection focuses on the activism of New Jersey residents from 1971 to present. This collection primarily consists of posters and banners, but also includes handouts, stickers, buttons, pictures, t-shirts and hats.

Processing Note

The titles of the posters were assigned based on the first line of the poster and are in quotes. Double-sided posters list the titles on both sides, and are marked as double-sided for clarity.

Inventory to the New Jersey Social and Political Activism Collection
Edited Full Draft
Stephanie Crawford, Christine Lutz, Tara Maharjan, Samantha Rosser, Seren Ozer.
Language of description note
Finding aid is written in English.
Special Collections and University Archives, Rutgers University received an operating support grant from the New Jersey Historical Commission, a division of the Department of State.