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  • 1975-1986

Scope and Contents

Summary: Photocopies and some original pages from the Congressional Record Daily Digest, containing the text of Hughes’ remarks on the floor of the House and related extensions of remarks.

Remarks from the 1970s frequently deal with energy issues, especially recent oil and natural gas shortages, as well as the potential use of nuclear power. Hughes also often spoke about environmental issues both on land and at sea and the plight of the elderly. In addition to these topics, throughout the late 1970s and 1980s Hughes spoke more frequently on issues of international concern, including the Iranian hostage situation (February 15, 1979, November 8, 1979, and January 27, 1981), the death of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat (October 26, 1981), Nicaragua and the possibility of federal aid to the Contras (February 5, 1985, and March 6, 1986) and the cases of several political prisoners. Also included are statements by Hughes on Abscam (February 27 and October 2, 1980).

Hughes also spoke about concerns and events in his home district, including preservation of waterways and the Pinelands. Included in the material from 1979 are remarks relating to Barnegat Township which were collected by Hughes’ staff for insertion in the Congressional Record for the 75th anniversary of the Township’s incorporation. Among these items are: “The Battle of Barnegat,” by A. Paul King, from New Jersey Counties, February 1944, vol. 2, no. 8.; copies from Under Barnegat’s Beam: Light on Happenings Along the Jersey Shore by Bayard Randolph Kraft, New York: Privately Printed, 1960; “A Chronology of Barnegat Light” (undated, but circa 1976, from Barnegat Light Historical Society); and various articles about Barnegat and its history.

A list of Hughes’ Congressional Record remarks is included as Appendix Two.

Language of Materials

From the Record Group:
