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Letters Sent

Scope and Contents

From the Series:

Summary: Letters regarding Renouf's job application for a position in China with the Custom service and later for a professorship at Tientsin University, his correspondence with Macmillan and Co. regarding the publication details of his book Outlines of General History for Eastern Students, his correspondence with F.G. Whittick, a friend of his trying to help him promote his book, and his requests for information to aid his research on China's population issue.

In one of the letters, addressed to Sir Robert E. Bredon, then Acting Inspector General of Customs in China, he applies for a position with the service. In it, he briefly introduces himself, including some details of his experience and educational background.

Also included in this series are the contracts between Renouf and the Customs House and Tientsin University, with the details of his allowance and salary stated.

His Correspondence with Macmillan and Co. discusses publication details of his book Outlines of General History for Eastern Students, as well as the possibility of publishing his book in Egypt and Singapore as a school text.

Later, after he had begun to conduct research on the population question in China, he sent out letters seeking information on manufacturers of conception prevention products and books on the topic.

Language of Materials

From the Collection:

English and German