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19. Consumerism: Consumer Organizations,, 1927-1980


  • 1927-1980

Scope and Contents

Summary:Tracks consumer, business and political activities of organizations or types of organizations that CR considered protectors of consumer interests and organizations that CR considered less-legitimate because of alleged political or business associations. Consists of correspondence, newspaper and magazine clippings and publications. Some, but not all, of the organizations that CR believed were agencies protecting the consumer include: American Home Economics Association, American Library Association, American National Standards Institute (ANSI), American Standards Association, American Society for Testing Materials, Better Business Bureau, Consumer Action Panels, Commercial Laboratories, Consumer and Pseudo Consumer Conferences, Consumers League, Consumers' Party, Miscellaneous Consumer Organizations by Name (A-Z), Deliniator Home Institute, Educational Buyers Association, Engineering Societies, Electrical Women's Roundtable, Good Housekeeping Institute, Home Economists, Intermountain Consumer, Inc., various consumer institutes, local and state consumer organizations (A-Z), National Safety Council, philanthropic organizations and foundations, professional societies, standardization agencies, trade associations, testing agencies (A-Z), and Underwriters Laboratory. Types of organizations that CR considered "near or pseudo" consumer agencies include miscellaneous organizations (A-Z), Cincinnati Consumer Conference, Household Science Institute, Kroger Food Foundation, McCall's Magazine's Institute of Standards, magazines of consumer organizations, Magazine Institutes' Seals of Approval, National Association for Consumers, National Council of Catholic Women, and Phony awards. "Super-pseudo" organizations include: Consumers Assembly, Consumers Foundation, Consumers National Federation, Crowell Publishing Company, National Consumer News, and National Consumer Retailer Council.

Language of Materials

From the Collection:


Physical Description

(17 feet.)


Arrangement: Organized alphabetically by organization or type of organization within each of the following sections: "Agencies Protecting the Consumer," "Near or Pseudo" Consumer Organizations and "Super-Pseudo" Consumer Organizations.