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PROJECT FILES, 1982-2013


  • 1982-2013

Scope and Contents

Summary: The project files were maintained to ensure that Lautenberg's office focused on, and took action on, issues important to constituents in the state of New Jersey. They were handled by his satellite offices in Newark, Camden, and Barrington. These files were compiled and maintained by various legislative assistants and project managers focused on a singular or multiple topics, and all of the materials retained reflect how an individual handled... the specific files.

Project Files are broken into three component categories: outreach, financials, and subject. The outreach project files represent either specific events that Lautenberg or a staffer attended or supported as part of official Senate duties. This would include letters of support in the form of citations, ribbon cutting ceremonies, press events, and response/follow up letters for issues of concern to name a few. The financials category of project files houses requests for money to be received through a grant or by adding an organization to an appropriations bill. The subject category includes research, trends within a topic, or other updates about a topic as collected by a legislative aide. The subject headings used for this series were created by the office and generally are the same as the subject headings used for constituent mail.

The way that Lautenberg's office handled project files changed over time as different staff members handled various projects. In the years 1983 and 1984, for example, the office grouped case files and project files together. Accordingly, there are different notes on folders and cover sheets for some of the materials, but not for others. The presence or absence of these notes or cover sheets had no bearing on how the office handled these files.

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81 Cubic Feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection:

Bulk in English, with some items in Hebrew, Russian, and other languages

Conditions Governing Access

Restrictions: Due to restrictions in the deed of gift, materials in this series created after 1994 are restricted for 25 years after the year of their creation. Earlier materials are available for research.

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Arrangement: The project files are grouped by category designation—financials, outreach, or subject—and then arranged chronologically by year, with multi-year projects filed by the earliest date represented. The project-related subject files are further arranged in alphabetical order by topic. If Lautenberg's office placed the materials into an accordion folder, the accordion folder has been divided into component parts and labeled as such.


Appraisal and Discard Information: The project files only maintain materials for which action was taken. Not kept was information about events that Lautenberg or someone from his offices did not attend, or materials where no further action seems to have been taken, except in the case of subject files. Additionally, case files containing sensitive information that were found housed with project files were discarded.