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CORRESPONDENCE: General Correspondence, 1982-2000 and 2003-2013


  • 1982-2000 and 2003-2013

Scope and Contents

Summary: General Correspondence includes "Laudatories," support letters, "First Namers," "Chronologicals," personal letters, congratulation letters, thank you letters, condolence letters, birthday-related letters, and Dear Colleague letters. There are letters to and from the White House, Vice President, Senators, Congress members, "VIPs," Democrats/Candidates, business leaders, state and/or local officials, "foreigners/governments," out-of-state groups... and officials, and various other groups, such as unions, hospitals/health care organizations, environmental groups, etc. Some letters are from specified individuals.

"Laudatories" are congratulatory letters from various interest groups and colleagues across the state and the nation commending Lautenberg's legislative actions in the Senate, his stances on issues, assistance received from him, etc. In the early days of the office, all Laudatories were kept, with a large portion of them being from constituents.

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15.5 Cubic Feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection:

Bulk in English, with some items in Hebrew, Russian, and other languages

Conditions Governing Access

Restrictions: This subseries is unrestricted.

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Arrangement: Similar items within General Correspondence are arranged or housed together; materials labeled "First Namers" are alphabetized.


Appraisal and Discard Information: Some correspondence from Lautenberg's earlier years in office was sampled to reduce the volume, with the percentage of sampling noted on the folders.