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LEGISLATION: Bills, 1977 and 1982-2013


  • 1977 and 1982-2013

Scope and Contents

Summary: The Bills subseries directly reflects Lautenberg's legislative work. The bulk of this subseries is Appropriations, which are bills specifically pertaining to funding for various government departments. The materials in Bills consist of drafts, versions, and markup of bills that the Senator sponsored or co-sponsored. What differentiates the Bills subseries from the Subject Files series is that Bills pertains to the wording and semantics of the bills, whereas Subject Files pertains to the research for bills, issues, and/or subjects.

Some files in this subseries contain supporting materials such as CDs, floppy disks, and photographs. In these instances, the additional formats have been noted on the folder.


46 Cubic Feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection:

Bulk in English, with some items in Hebrew, Russian, and other languages

Conditions Governing Access

Restrictions: This subseries is unrestricted.


Arrangement: This subseries is grouped by subject, and then arranged chronologically by year. Due to their volume, Appropriations bills are highlighted; they are arranged by department name, and then chronologically by year. Additional materials appear at the end.


Appraisal and Discard Information: All bills that the Senator sponsored or co-sponsored were kept, with duplicates discarded. Bills not involving Lautenberg were discarded.



Bills not relating to Appropriations pertain to the following subjects:

  1. Agriculture/Rural Development
  2. AT&T
  3. Beach Bills
  4. Budget
  5. Communications/Cable
  6. Consumers
  7. Crime
  8. Education (including the Public School Modernization Act)
  9. Environment (including Child Safe Chemicals Act)
  10. FCPIAA (Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act)
  11. Housing/HUD
  12. Lobbying Gifts
  13. Patent and Trademark Bills
  14. Regulatory Reform
  15. Shipping Act
  16. Superfund
  17. Telecommunications
  18. Telephone
  19. TJTC (Targeted Jobs Tax Credit)
  20. Trade
  21. Transportation

"Miscellaneous" Bills include materials such as drafts, amendments, markups, notes, "Bills by Retiring Democrats," hearings, floor actions, editorials, line item vetoes, hold books, rescissions, joint resolutions, concurrent resolutions, Senate resolutions, etc.

Appropriations Bills relate to U.S. Departments and/or Appropriations Subcommittees. The names of these Departments/Subcommittees changed over time, and may not correspond to current usage:

  1. Department of Agriculture
  2. Senate Budget Committee or Budget Resolutions
  3. Departments of Commerce, Justice, and the State, the Judiciary and Related Agencies (CJS)
  4. Department of Defense (including Military Construction appropriations bills)
  5. Department of Energy and Water Development (including Office of Fusion Energy Sciences-specific appropriations bills)
  6. Environmental Protection Agency
  7. Department of the Interior
  8. Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services
  9. Department of Transportation
  10. Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies

There are also Appropriations bills from other departments/subcommittees, such as the Army Corps of Engineers, Education, Foreign Operations, and the Treasury Department/U.S. Postal Service.

The Appropriations section of the Bills subseries also includes miscellaneous materials, such as Appropriation requests by Congress/Session, New Jersey-related appropriations, rescission bills, appropriations summaries, etc.