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Printed Materials

Scope and Contents

From the Series:

Summary: The Notes subseries contain Orttung's notes on articles or letters made in the course of her research. The notes appear as both typed and handwritten documents. Notes on particular articles have the citation at the start of the notes and often refer to particular page numbers. One folder in the notes subseries appears to be summaries of both printed sources and the letters from the Yznaga del Valle collection. There is a coding system, but it remains unclear how these match up to their referenced materials. The Translations subseries contain translations Orttung created for articles in the course of her research, on the subject of Spain in the nineteenth century. Printed Materials are documents not written by Orttung that she collected in the course of her research. These include unpublished materials, such as manuscripts of papers and a proposal for a dissertation, copies from a Cuban newspaper, and the first pages of documents that Orttung had more than 50 pages copied from the single source. Finally, the Bibliographies subseries contain printed sheets with lists of bibliographic citations. Subject headings divide some of the pages of citations and some of the citations are marked in ink.

Language of Materials

From the Collection:
