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Scope and Contents

Summary:Filling 2.5 manuscript boxes, this series includes slides of a wide range of Béatrice Coron’s artistic output, from books to prints, cutout designs, paintings, drawings, pottery and public installations, as well as slides of the artist at work. Slides are organized alphabetically by type of work, as identified on the slide, on their original housing or on the artist’s website, then by date, then by title. Slide titles vary. The titles used are those most often written on the slides, with some that are part of a series largely included with the series.

There is overlap between several of the categories of work, as the artist’s website identifies many works in two categories. Many papercuts may be identified as books and vice versa, as there may have been more than one version of the work, or scrolls might be identified in either category. Generally, the category “Books” are those identified as such in the incomplete catalog of books on Béatrice Coron’s website and may include scrolls, public art, and collections of printed plates, as well as other forms of artists' books. A printed copy of this list can be found in the series PAPERS. The category “Papercuts and Prints” includes paper and Tyvek cut designs, prints made from cut designs and other prints. Among the prints made from cut designs are playbill illustrations and illustrations for Attitude: the Dancers’ Magazine. “Public Works” include large public installations. “Other Works” include paintings, images on textiles, drawings and pottery. Some of these may be prints or artist’s books, but the exact category is difficult to ascertain from the slide. Dates on slides occasionally differ from dates on the artist’s website; dates from the slides were used. We attempted to cross-reference most slides indicating different dates.

Many slides arrived in envelopes that identified the contents by year or type of work, though the contents of each envelope contained items that differed from that identification. The envelope notes are identified in the description where relevant. Slides include undated and unlabeled slides, which are placed at the end, unless identification was readily available on the artist’s website. Slides were rehoused in polypropylene, polyethylene, or polyester slide pages.

Language of Materials

From the Collection:
