Scope and Contents
Summary: The national headquarters of the AAUW requests certain information from each branch on a yearly basis, and copies of the forms submitted have been preserved by the RVB. The basic information provided in the reports consists of the list of officers and chairpersons, numbers of members, names of the programs for the year, and budget figures.
The first of the annual reports preserved is from 1939-40 and is not on the official form, but is a typed statement by the President, Dorothy B. Sholl, citing accomplishments of the Branch's second year. The 1941-42 report consists of three hand-written notes on very small notepaper, but the report for 1942-43 is again typed.
Reports from 1942-43 on are written in the official AAUW forms for "Branch Reports." During the war years these are rather lengthy, up to twelve pages, and include sections for describing the war efforts undertaken by the Branch, as well as separate pages for war efforts in the different areas such as Arts, International Education, Legislation, Social Studies, and Fellowships. In some years, typed or hand-written pages from the Area Chairmen are stapled together with the AAUW forms. From 1947-48, the form is named "Branch President's Report," but retains the categories from the earlier reports.
From the 1970s, the Reports are considerably briefer, in some years only two or three pages listing the officers and committee chairpersons or as they are now called, the Area Representatives. The latest report included is a brief statement on the Branch Report Form from 1982-83.
Language of Materials
Arrangement: Arranged chronologically from 1939-1940 through 1982-1983.
Part of the New Brunswick Special Collections Repository