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  • Subject: Rutgers University--History X
  • Subject: Rutgers University--History X
  • Subject: Rutgers University--History X
  • Subject: Rutgers University--History X
  • Subject: Rutgers University--History X

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Rutgers University--History 3
Rutgers University—History 3
Academic freedom--New Jersey--History--20th Century 2
Civil rights--New Jersey--New Brunswick 2
College teachers--New Jersey--Dismissal--History--20th Century 2
Identifier: R-MC 023

Abstract: The Alan Silver Papers, 1934-1987 comprise the private collection of Rutgers alumnus Alan Silver, relating to his involvement in the Bergel/Hauptmann affair of the 1930's. Silver, a Rutgers student from 1931 to 1935, was instrumental in the formation of the Special Trustees Committee to Investigate the Charges of Lienhard Bergel. This case, involving the alleged firing of a New Jersey College for Women professor for anti-Nazi sympathies, raised doubts about the political alignment of some...
 Record Group
Identifier: RG 39/A2a

Abstract: The records described in this inventory are those of the Centenial Football Game Committee from 1967 to 1971. The Cetennial Football Game Committee was formed by the Rutgers University Athletic Deparment to have planning oversight for the September 1969 centennial football game between Rutgers University and Princeton University. These records relate primarily to the planning logistics surrounding the game and other events that took place during that weekend in commemoration of the first...
Identifier: R-MC-129


This collection includes various photographs, pamphlets, manuals, and memorabilia from Frank S. Beckwith's time at Rutgers,

Identifier: RG 09/A3/01


The Secretary of the University is the official records keeper for the Board of Governors, the University Trustees, and the University Senate. In addition, the Secretary of the University is responsible for giving public notice for all meetings. Karl E. Metzger was the Secretary of the University for 23 years, from 1950 until 1973. The collection consists of subject files.

Identifier: R-MC-133

Scope and Contents: These scrapbooks were assembled by Kenneth R. Wheeler and consist primarily of news clippings, but also photographs and other ephemera. The collection documents Wheeler’s administrative career at Rutgers, beginning with his arrival in 1969 to become the new Dean of University College, as Provost of Academic Affairs (1972-1987), and as Senior Vice-President of Academic Affairs (1987-1991). A major theme is Wheeler’s role in shaping the academic reorganization of Rutgers culminating with the...
 Record Group
Identifier: RG 23/H0

Abstract: The records described in this inventory are those of the Office of the Dean of Men of Rutgers University. They date from 1925 to 1945, when Fraser Metzger served as Dean of Men. During part of this time Metzger also served as acting Chaplain. A majority of the records represented are those that relate to Chaplain activities. The records fall into two series: 1) those concerning services in Kirkpatrick Chapel, and 2) those pertaining to the honoring of Rutgers students killed in World War...
Identifier: RG 03/C2

Abstract: The Special Trustees Committee to Investigate the Charges of Lienhard Bergel files contain materials related to a series of 1935 hearings held at Rutgers University. The charges stemmed from the dismissal of Professor Lienhard Bergel from the faculty of the New Jersey College for Women German Department. Bergel, an opponent of fascism, accused deparment chairman Friedrich Hauptmann of making his decision based on his pro-Nazi sentiment. After the American Civil Liberties Union became...
 Record Group
Identifier: R-MC 084

Abstract: This collection consists of the diaries, correspondence, notebooks, and personal papers of Vermont Edward Allen, a 1924 graduate of Rutgers College. This collection also includes the notebooks of his wife Katherine Merriwether Allen. The diaries in particular document Allen's experiences as an African American, as a new college graduate looking for work, and as a teacher in the southern United States. The papers consist of two series I. Vermont Edward Allen Files, and II. Katherine...