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  • Subject: Artists X
  • Subject: Artists X
  • Subject: Artists' Books X
  • Subject: Artists X
  • Subject: Artists X
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Art - Study and Teaching 1
Artists 1
Artists as Teachers 1
Artists' Books - New Jersey 1
Fiberwork 1
Identifier: GB 12

Abstract: This archive assembles material relating to books and broadsides published by the Stone House Press, along with broadsides from other presses, correspondence and ephemera, such as advertisements, announcements and printed keepsakes. The bulk of the archive consists of broadsides, papers and other printed material from the 1980s that illustrate the operation of a small hand press business. Other prints and publications of interest to Morris Gelfand, the proprietor of the press are...
Identifier: GA 17


Suellen Glashausser worked as a book artist, sculptor and textile artist, as well as teaching at Montclair State University in New Jersey. This collection primarily consists of her administrative and professional papers, teaching materials such as syllabi and class handouts, art and craft technique instructions and examples, catalogs and promotional materials for exhibition of her works and that of other artists, as well as photographs and slides of her work and work of other artists.